I thought i knew what it meant to be high. But I was wrong. On running into each other randomly on the streets of Amsterdam, Ashley, John, and I split a gram of some fine amsterdam blueberry mary jane before my walking tour. Some of you like to get high. And I'm not sure if in your smoking history you've ever experienced what came over me that day. We were sitting around the coffee shop and i felt like i wasn't getting high. So i kept smoking...and smoking.... and smoking. Finally we leave the shop and start walking down the street...John was talking to me. And gradually, his voice began to fade out. I was vaguely aware of what was happening to me but mostly just confused. At this point my vision started to give out and I started to see things as wavey, as if I was looking into some sort of distortion mirror. My vision slowed down and my pulse jumped. At this point I must have blacked out for a few seconds because my next memory is of opening my eyes to find that i was sitting on a hydrant in the middle of the street while John and ashley were 30 meters in front of me completely unaware that I was no longer with them. Anyway, I struggled to keep up but I didn't actually feel like I had control of my body...it was almost like i was above my body watching it move, but i couldn't really see that clearly. Very scary but at the same time quite awesome. Anyway so I decide to go on this walking tour alone. The tour begins and there I am, standing in the back giggling to myself knowing absolutely no-one. I follow the group around and somehow I don't get lost, but at a certain point I realize that while I can make out the shape of my tour guides body and some of his facial features, I can't understand the words that are coming ouit of his mouth and I have no Idea what he has said for the last 2 and a half hours. If you asked me to recount one fact about amsterdam that I learned on that tour I don't think I could tell you. Finally it dawns on me. The reason I dont understand what he's saying is because he's speaking in dutch..at some point in the two-and a half hour period where I experienced a complete marijuana induced white out I had mistaken a Dutch group for my own group and followed them around.
Life is good
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