After having my shoulder torn out and my face pressed against glass as an angry mob surged forward towards beer induced bliss, i was in desperate need of a beer upon entering our tent. Oktoberfest is one of the best things that has ever happened to this world. To the 20 year old Fraternity boy, there truly is nothing better than 12 hours of drinking beer whilst surrounded by beautiful women in revealing outfits. ahhhh. Where was I again? Right.. So at 10 AM on my second morning of Oktoberfest, the masses were cheering for German soccer teams, Americans were singing the national anthem, the French were retreating...all was as it should be. At this point, a rush of adrenaline overcame me and I made a rash decision which would quickly be rewarded: I grabbed my liter of beer...a thousands ML's of liquid delight...I stood on the table and yelled as loudly as I could, "Are you ready to fucking drink!?" At this point quite a few people (about a hundred) turned around and looked at me. With the crowd at my back and a beer in my hand I knew what had to be done...I began to chug. The original hundred had now begun to cheer and hundreds more follow in suit. As I finished that last sip of beer and began pumping my empty jug into the air whilst being cheered on by thousands I can say with full sincerity...I love being the center of attention.

Pending this, en route to the bathroom to empty my bladder, I was hailed as a celebrity...gigantic German men were slapping me on the back saying things I couldn't understand but nonetheless exciting me tremendously. I should note that the reason I was wearing a green tep shirt was that the white shirt I had worn the day earlier that came with the outfit had been what I'll call a "victim" of aggressive drinking (note: do not pregame oktoberfest...especially with 7 shots of vodka).
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